Friday, January 10, 2014

Chapter 4: The Pulse of Life – A Theory

Why does one like Music? Why do some like a certain kind and some do not? Well… my thought on the same would be something similar to what one would reply if asked why he likes a certain kind of food. If you thought high school physics was a waste of time, here are some concepts for you. They also help me explain my point.
The body and mind learns stuff like how you learnswimming. First it is all erratic, you drink loads of water and then you catch on to a rhythm and then slowly you become an expert. From the time you are a small kid, you are fed the food at home and slowly that becomes your definition of what food is and what taste is like. Your “taste buds” gets used to it and when you grow up, any food that tastes similar synchronizes to an extent with the old taste. This triggers various reactions like Dejavu, feeling of “Yummy!”, gets you so many search results from your memories.
You have a natural rhythm that your body is used to and it has a + or – factor. Now when you exceed that, your body can’t cope. For example, some have motion sickness. The body in their case is used to a natural rhythm. Let’s represent this as a wave as we are talking about physics anyway.  Turns out the motion currently is similar to the natural rhythm of the body. This enhances their natural rhythm to a way past their tolerance and eventually body decides to throw out stuff to get out of sync with the motion. That’s something the brain does to get the motion out of sync.
There’s another case where brain can’t do much. Emotion… When it comes to emotion, brain does not have much of a control. In fact emotion takes over like military coming to power and taking over the messed up country. What does the body do in that case? Well, we go back to being just objects. Its like a huge tub filled with 90% water. Water represents the troubles and mess that you are in and the height of the tub would be your tolerance level. Time and again, there could be ripples that happen in the same. When it is so huge that it breaks your tolerance, water goes out of the tub. That’s when people resort to other measures to handle the overflown water. It could be crying, it could be cursing people (especially on the road) etc etc
I have talked about the rhythm from the beginning of the chapter. What’s the beginning? Where is the rhythm? Where does it start when all what we discussed above ripples out from? I’m giving all the credits to the pulse/the heartbeat.That’s the clock for your body. That’s the base of what everything runs by is what I like to think. When your thoughts, memories you have accumulated over the years and your reason is taken away, that’s what is left. Now that becomes your music. And you start to synchronize from that.
Now there could be two possibilities. Either you understood the same in which case, you may have a difference in opinion or you might totally agree with me. Or you have not understood at all. In both cases, let’s ignore the same as this is not the end of the world.


  1. This is my favorite of all your posts (so far)....It struck a cord the very first time I read it (Yes! have re-read it several times...don't gloat ;) )
    That line where you talk about learning swimming and drinking loads of water... hilarious! :D
    Also, totally agree with your take on emotion.
    All in all...a superb piece

  2. 1st Thing I dont like Medini's Comments before me as she takes most of my words(thoughts).
    I also liked the Military coming to power and made me think that I am stuck in Military coup
    Every all parts in the article Sync as mentioned and liked it a lot.
    Thanks for all my wonderful memories that came out of reading this article

  3. The wave theory of life, wonderful thought Saju. Have you thought about poetry? Should try.
    Did you get inspired by reading something on the mental, physical and emotional cycles? If not, should read about that. You will sync with it.
