Friday, January 10, 2014

Chapter 2: Coincidence - The resurrection

       What do we know from the gibberish we've talked about so far? Or rather what do we think we know? Mathematical coincidence is a myth when it comes to real world concepts. Now we still have the concept of coincidence. Even though we spoke against it and questioned its existence, we could use its help to define stuff. To understand why I am saying that, lets venture into a different realm. This is with the fear of unknowns. What makes a scary movie scary? What makes a romantic movie really romantic? Why do people like suspense? The moments before something appears, you are running the possibilities in your mind with all the permutation and combinations of what may happen. You have just a genre in mind of what might come but the options are just way too huge to crunch through. The brain just overloads... one would like to think. Probably the brain just gathers all of it and comes up with a relative analysis and flags the rest of the information "Complicated... DO NOT PROCESS Further".
          One of a quote which got me thinking is a quote from aRomCom "500 days of summer" that goes like "You can't describe things of great cosmic significance with a simple earthly event. Coincidence that's all anything ever is... nothing more but coincidence"In case one decides to watch the movie to review the same, stop right after you hear that because they mention something about fate... Mistake! Big mistake... Nothing and no one messes with Fate. But let's not go there.
Let us get back to the concept of coincidence. Just like the unknowns bring life into an otherwise predictable situation, coincidence is one of the factors that bring the flavour in the situation that is. It makes people feel the various tastes in life.Some get happy seeing their long lost friend, some get uncomfortable finding the manager sitting right next to you at the movies after taking a sick leave. Coincidence gathers beauty as you start recollecting the variables in your life.Various things that could have potentially diverted your path away from the situation in question. Different data elements you gathered from the situation like the place you are at, the time, how unlikely was it... etc etc So many things that could have gone wrong but still it worked out just fine. You might even remember a casual comment your friend might have mentioned when you were in kindergarten that we’ll meet after many many years… The more unlikely the chances, more beauty it brings in. Pretty much like the snow flake which is a graphical masterpiece.
Of course you need to, for a moment, forget about the fact that what happened, happened the way it happened because it was meant to happen the way it happened.


  1. After Reading this, I don't think I can throw the word "coincidence" in a conversation like I used to till now...
    you've made me treat that word with respect :)
    Again....a very insightful piece....

  2. I really liked the ending of this.. Good one this article is a food for thought...
    Just to ask you that writing this article was a coincidence or well thought process.
    Good one enjoyed reading it Keep it up..

  3. I agree on the coincidence part, there is no coincidence in reality. But, what about the resurrection, am I missing something?
